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Fund A Need - Classroom Instructional Aides
$ .00

Every year, we come together as a community to uplift our beloved Walnut Acres Elementary. This year, our hearts are drawn to a cause that resonates deeply with both students and teachers: raising funds for classroom instructional aides.

What exactly does an instructional aide do? Imagine the impact of having an extra pair of hands, a caring presence dedicated to supporting our children's learning journey.

Instructional aides are the unsung heroes who assist teachers in a myriad of ways:

  • Support with preparing engaging lessons.
  • Provide individualized attention to students and small groups.
  • Help with classroom management.
  • Being a safe person during recess and other non-academic activities

In every interaction, they infuse warmth, encouragement, and guidance ensuring every child feels safe, heard, and valued. By rallying together to fund more instructional aides, we're not just investing in resources; we're investing in the future of our children. We're nurturing an environment where every child has the opportunity to thrive, where no one is left behind. Join us in ensuring that Walnut Acres Elementary continues to shine brightly, with the support and dedication of instructional aides paving the way for brighter futures. Together, let's elevate our community by empowering our children with the resources they need to flourish.

Cash Contribution
$ .00
Sponsor Our Event
$ .00
Sponsorship of this event benefits Walnut Acres Elementary School students, identifies you as a supporter of our school, and stimulates business between you and our community. Thank you for your generosity!
Sponsorship Levels:
Platinum: $1,000 and Up - Full-Page Advertisement in Auction Program; inclusion in Live Auction slideshow; Logo on Auction Website. 
Gold: $750 - Half-Page Advertisement in Auction Program; Logo on Auction Website.
Silver: $500 - Quarter-Page Advertisement in Auction Program. 
Bronze: $250 - Listed as Sponsor in our Auction Program.